Ottawa-Carleton, ON
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Welcome CHEO User!


This is DEMONSTRATION custom home page for CHEO users. You can populate this page with content relevant to CHEO users, such as an CHEO Mental Health Services Dashboard.


Families needed for Family Therapy. 

Our latest group of psychology residents started in Jan 1, 2021, and some of them are still looking for families for family therapy. We are looking for a family in mild to moderate distress, with a family issue that can be resolved in 5-10 sessions. 

Contact Mohamed H. if you have a family in mind.


Incredible Years Group needs more families. 

Our next group will be starting on Wed, Mar 3, 2021, and we still only have 2 families enrolled -- we would like to have 4-6. 

Contact Myriam K. if you have a family that would benefit from the group. 

DBT Group -- FULL. 

Next DBT group starts Thu, Mar 4, 2021 and is full. 

Next group will start in June 2021. 

Contact Jason F. with any referrals. 

For more information about our groups [link to groups goes here].


Do you have any teens aged 12-16 with social media overuse?

If so, please visit our study webpage here [link to study webpage]. 

Contact Shu T. with any possible referrals. 

Find a Clinician

Have you seen a patient for CHOICE, and are looking for a PARTNERSHIP clinician with a specific skill set?

Here is our searchable directory of clinicians -- for confidentiality, it is recommended to use FIRST NAME + Last Initial, e.g. Michael C. 

Are there two Michael C's, e.g. Michael Carter and Michael Cohen? If so, then use Michael Ca. or Michael Co. 


Team Retreat

Our next retreat for May 1, 2021 is rapidly approaching!

We have an expert trainer coming in to improve our capacity to deliver DBT. 

We still need volunteers for the Retreat Committee, to help us plan the day along with the social events. 

Please contact Ismail R. if you are interested!

Tip of the Week

Drink green tea to de-stress. Green tea is among those most studied. While research has found many physical health benefits, they have also found some mental health benefits. Green tea may reduce stress on the brain. 

Community Bulletins
Looking for CHILD/YOUTH mental health and addictions services in Eastern Ontario?
1Call1Click is the new one number / website to help you find services for child/youth mental health and addictions.
Looking for ADULT mental health/addictions services in Eastern Ontario?
One website / number to call for mental health services for adults.
Feeling suicidal? Call 988 anywhere in Canada
You deserve to be heard.
We’re here to listen.
A safe space to talk, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Feeling stress, anxiety and depression due to COVID and the pandemic?
Subscribe free to Text4Hope to receive daily text messages to support your mental health.
There are currently no posted events for Ottawa-Carleton, ON.

If you know about an event, please let us know.