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Cost: $590 for 14 weeks (limited subsidized spots available)
Please email the address listed to sign up for the group.
Event Name
From Victim to Survivor: A Group for Survivors of Childhood Trauma
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For: General public
Provided by: Centre for Treatment of Sexual Abuse and Childhood Trauma
Date and Time
Mon Jan 29 to Mon Apr 30, 2018
(Every week on Mon)
(This event is over)
7:00 - 9:00pm
Event Description
This group is intended for those who have survived childhood trauma, sexual abuse, or incest and are looking for group support, as well as a way to process and share their story. The group is divided into a four phases which includes: establishing a safe place, breaking the silence, working through, and reintegration and termination. This group will cover coping skills, as well as provide education surrounding the impacts trauma can have on one’s mind, body and spirit. This group will use a mixture of Narrative therapy, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness to help individuals address and process their traumatic memories, as well as provide a safe place for survivors to share their story.Cost: $590 for 14 weeks (limited subsidized spots available)
Please email the address listed to sign up for the group.
More Info

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Last modified Dec 13, 2017 1:47pm