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Why come to safeTALK?
Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help. Often these invitations are missed, dismissed or avoided – leaving people more alone and at greater risk. safeTALK prepares you to help by using TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen, Keepsafe) to identify and engage people with thoughts of suicide and connect them with further help and care
Event Name
safeTALK suicide alertness for everyone
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: London Middlesex Suicide Prevention Council
Date and Time
Thu Jan 10, 2013
(This event is over)
5pm - 8pm
Event Description
safeTALK is a 3 hour workshop where participants will learn how to recognize when someone may be experiencing thoughts of suicide, how to ask them directly and connect them to appropriate resources using a 4 step process, Tell, Ask, Listen, Keepsafe.Why come to safeTALK?
Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help. Often these invitations are missed, dismissed or avoided – leaving people more alone and at greater risk. safeTALK prepares you to help by using TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen, Keepsafe) to identify and engage people with thoughts of suicide and connect them with further help and care
More Info

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which they are received.
Last modified Dec 11, 2012 12:10pm