Interval House |
Interval House provides a continuum of services for abused women and their children; from the crisis stage to self-sufficiency.
These services include:
* Residential Program provides 24 hour telephone crisis & VAW information line; 30-bed emergency shelter; food & clothing; individual & group counselling;information,referral & advocacy;accompaniment; safety planning
* Children's programming
* Support for ex-residents
* 24-hr crisis line
* Supportive counselling / coaching for job retention, work/life balance, life skill development
• Workshops: job search, self-marketing tools, goal setting, communication
• Education / training / development resources; information dissemination and referral
• Private market housing search assistance, placement, information dissemination
• Public housing resources; information dissemination and referral
• Assistance with transition from shelter to independent living
• Connecting transitioning clients with new communities resources
These services include:
* Residential Program provides 24 hour telephone crisis & VAW information line; 30-bed emergency shelter; food & clothing; individual & group counselling;information,referral & advocacy;accompaniment; safety planning
* Children's programming
* Support for ex-residents
* 24-hr crisis line
* Supportive counselling / coaching for job retention, work/life balance, life skill development
• Workshops: job search, self-marketing tools, goal setting, communication
• Education / training / development resources; information dissemination and referral
• Private market housing search assistance, placement, information dissemination
• Public housing resources; information dissemination and referral
• Assistance with transition from shelter to independent living
• Connecting transitioning clients with new communities resources
Physical address not provided
416-924-1491 (Crisis Line)
TTY: 416-924-4833
Fax: 416-928-9020

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Last modified Jul 8, 2014 3:37pm