Alberta, AB
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DISCLAIMER -- Private practice individuals are listed for informational purposes only. Although we do our best to ensure that only qualified professionals are listed in our directory, we do not have the ability to individually screen every listing. Prior to seeing any individual, it is recommended that you check with the appropriate professional organization to ensure their qualifications.
Midnight Sun Wellness
Private practice
Midnight Sun Wellness offers therapy and counselling services for residents of Sherwood Park, Edmonton, the Northwest Territories and Fort Saskatchewan.
2 Athabascan Ave #210
Sherwood Park, AB, T8A 4E3 Map
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: English
Fees: None
Accepting patients: Unknown
Area Served: Alberta
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This resource is listed under these topics

Psychologists and Psychological Associates
Counselling and Therapy
Last modified Sep 6, 2024 10:04am
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