Service coordination and case management
Case management is where a case manager meets with the client (an individual or a family) in order to find out what services are needed. Then, the case manager helps arranges for those services and supports in the community. Service coordination refers to the fact that the different services are coordinated in an efficient way to best help the person.
Publicly Funded / Free Services
Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting good mental health, developing and implementing support systems and services and encouraging public action to ...
311 McArthur Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1L 8M3 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
16 years and up
The Paul Menton Centre is responsible for the coordination of academic accommodations and support services for students with disabilities. Some of our ...
1125 Colonel By Dr., Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
All ages
Education, support services to help children, youth and adults affected by FASD * Support and care to the families and caregivers of those impacted by FASD * ...
312 Parkdale, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
All ages
Located in Ottawa, the DSYTC is a non-profit, residential and community-based agency that is dedicated to helping youth (13-21) and families across Ontario ...
112 Willowlea Road, Carp, ON, KOA 1LO Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
13 - 21 years
LGBTTQ+ Around the Rainbow is a community-based program which provides a full range of education, counselling and support services offered by Family Services ...
312 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5 Map
613-725-3601 x105
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
All ages
Jewish Family Services of Ottawa (JFS) :
Syrian Refugees and Mental Health: Training, Case Conferencing and Counselling/Jewish Family Services(JFS) (English)
Settlement workers, Sponsors, ESL Teachers, Volunteers, and Interpreters have been the front line support for Syrian Refugees. As the main source of support ...
2255 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K2B 7Z5 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
All ages
Provides physical and mental health care to people (16+) who present for help for sexual assault and intimate partner violence. See website for other services provided including community education.
1053 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4EY Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
All ages
Service Coordination Support (SCS) is the initial contact for people who have a developmental disability or autism in Ottawa and the Eastern Region.
We ...
150 Montreal Rd, Ottawa, ON, K1L 8H2 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
All ages
South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre works with the diverse community of South-East Ottawa and with partners throughout the region to provide and advocate ...
1355 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8K7 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
All ages
Mamisarvik Healing Centre is an Inuit-specific, eight-week (53-day), residential treatment program for women and men aged 18 years and older. The program is ...
25 Rosemount Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 1P3 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
18 years and up
Hospital that specializes in wide range of mental health services including:
* inpatient and outpatient services for youth and adults
* specialized mental ...
1145 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 7K4 Map
Area Served: LHIN Champlain
16 years and up
Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families.
* Therapy & ...
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Map
All ages
Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses
Ottawa Addiction Treatment Services
286 Zephyr avenue, Ottawa, ON, K2B 5Z8 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
All ages
TRAC Group Inc.
161 Greenbank Rd., Ottawa, ON, K2H 5V6 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
All ages
275 Slater St., Ottawa, ON, K1N 8P3 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
18 years and up
1554 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 7M4 Map
Accepting patients: Yes
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
All ages
Claudine Smith, Counselling and Social Work
900 Watters Rd, Orléans, ON, K4A 0B4 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
Accepting patients: Yes
All ages
320 Osgoode St., Ottawa, ON, K1N 8C8 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
All ages
1439 Youville Drive, Orleans, ON, K1C 4M8 Map
Area Served: Ottawa-Carleton
Accepting patients: Yes
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
All ages