Nova Scotia, NS
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Event Name

FUN FRIENDS Training for Professionals
For: Professionals

Date and Time

Thu Nov 13, 2008 (This event is over)


Ottawa, ON

Event Description

The one day Fun FRIENDS training will certify professionals to deliver the program in school, day care, and clinic settings.  Fun FRIENDS is an anxiety prevention and intervention program designed by a clinical psychologist specifically for 4 to 7 year old children.  Fun FRIENDS is a play based program that helps children cope with feelings of fear, worry and depression by building  resilience and self-esteem and teaching cognitive, behavioural and emotional skills in a simple, structured format. Fun FRIENDS helps children develop the social and emotional intelligence necessary to excel during their school years.

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This event is listed under these topics

Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders
Community Health and Resource Centres
Social Skills and Life Skills
Education and Training (including Schools)
Mental Health Professionals
Psychologists and Psychological Associates
Social Workers
Occupational Therapists
Child and Youth Counsellors
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Last modified Oct 5, 2008 7:24am
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