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Event Name

Sarasvàti Productions presents I am Unstoppable - International Women’s Week Cabaret of Monologues
For: General public
Provided by: Sarasvàti Productions Inc.

Date and Time

Sat Mar 10, 2018 (This event is over)
4:00 - 9:30pm


400 Colony Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2P3

Event Description

Sarasvàti Productions presents I am Unstoppable - International Women’s Week Cabaret of Monologues

Sarasvàti Productions will again be producing and taking to the community our cabaret of monologues to celebrate International Women’s Week. This year’s theme is I Am Unstoppable, as we tackle obstacles, conquering challenges and living life to the fullest. The evening will offer a diverse line-up of monologues by Canadian playwrights as well as performance pieces. Our goal is to honour women by telling their stories and to explore multiple perspectives to represent the scope of women’s experiences. ASL Interpretation will be available for the evening performance.

IWW will take place on March 10 at 4pm and 8pm at the Asper Centre for Theatre and Film (at U of W, 400 Colony Street)
Tickets $15 (plus $2.50 for on-line purchases) or cash at the door

There will also be additional community performances available from March 4th to 11th
Please Note: Adult Language and Content

For more information on the lineup visit

More Info



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Last modified Dec 6, 2017 7:07pm
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