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Event Name

Stabilization Skills for Complex Developmental Trauma
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: Centre for Treatment of Sexual Abuse and Childhood Trauma

Date and Time

Sat Jun 2, 2012 (This event is over)
8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.


33 Nicholas Street, Ottawa, ON, K1N 9M7

Event Description

The Centre for Treatment of Sexual Abuse and Childhood Trauma is excited to invite Kathy Steele, MN, CS, Clinical Director of Metropolitan Counseling Services and former president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma, on Saturday, June 2nd, 2012. Kathy has numerous years of experience working with complex trauma and dissociation around the world, and is currently the author of two books, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists (Boon, Steele, & Van der Hart, 2011), and The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation of the Personality and Treatment of Chronic Traumatization (Van der Hart, Nijenhuis, & Steele, 2006).
During this one-day workshop, Kathy will focus on stabilization skills include mentalizing and other reflective functioning, self and relational regulation, compensating for executive dysfunction, developing inner safety and self compassion, managing inner conflicts, resolving inner directed phobias, and working with dissociative parts of the self.

Detailed workshop information and registration forms (at Early Bird rates!) are now available.

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Last modified Apr 10, 2012 4:12pm
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