Please note:
Our database may be missing resources as we do not have a local partner in this community. (Montreal, QC)
If you know of any resources that should be in our database, feel free to help out your community by letting us know.
If you are an organization that would like to partner with us to help keep this database up-to-date, please contact us for more information.
If you are an organization that would like to partner with us to help keep this database up-to-date, please contact us for more information.
Educators refers to those involved in the practice of education, such as teachers, guidance counselors, principals and other school personnel. This section contains mental health resources that are targetted for educators.
Publicly Funded / Free Services
To support and strengthen families with children experiencing learning and/or behavior problems by offering individual and group support to the children and their parents/loved ones.
12301 rue Colin, Pierrefonds, QC, H9A 1C3 Map
Area Served: Montreal
All ages
Centre de prévention du suicide.
Montreal, QC
Area Served: Montreal
All ages
L'APEDAH et plus Beauce-Etchemins offre des services pour le bénéfice d'enfants ayant des troubles neurodéveloppementaux,dont le trouble du spectre de ...
2460 Boul. Dionne, St-georges, QC, G9A 2H1 Map
418-228-0030 x31312
Area Served: Quebec
All ages
Regroupement de 22 centres d'écoute au Québec sur 10 territoires. Les écoutants sont plus de 800 à offrir de l'écoute active pour toutes les personnes ...
3715 pelissier, Ville De Québec, QC, G1X 3X9 Map
Area Served: Quebec
All ages
Provides telephone, email, and chat support and information for people involved or interested in issues related to sexual orientation in Quebec.
Montréal, QC, H2L 4V2 Map
Area Served: Quebec
All ages
The Neurodiversity Academy (TNA) is an experimental laboratory of all the best practices in education, research, innovation and inclusion for the ...
Montreal, QC
Area Served: Quebec
All ages
The Access 2card (TM) is for people of all ages and types of disabilities who require the assistance of a support person. When a cardholder presents the Access ...
40 Holly Street, Toronto, ON, M4S 3C3 Map
416-932-8382 x227
Area Served: Canada
All ages
National, not-for-profit, registered charitable organization with a mandate to reduce youth violence and make our schools and communities safer. The ...
111 Peter Steet, Toronto, ON, M5V 2H1 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Centre for Family Initiatives extends Pine River’s knowledge and experience to serve not just our most acute populations but to work with families and care ...
180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8 Map
All ages
FIA is a registered children's charity providing facilitated peer to peer support groups to children, from Grade 4 through to College & University as well ...
29 Madison Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5R 2S2 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Regulatory body that provides membership, certification, training and clinical supervision for Play Therapists and students locally for Canadians. Play Therapy International affiliated.
466 Wellington Street, London, ON, N6A 3P8 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Organisme francophone canadien dédié à la prévention du syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale (SAF). Donne de l'information sur le TSAF (trouble du spectre de ...
370 Rue des Forges, Trois-rivières, QC, G9A 2H1
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Therapy Dog services are provided across Canada by St. John's Ambulance in a wide range of community settings such as: hospitals, seniors residences and care ...
ON, Canada
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Stigma-Free Society is a registered Canadian charity that provides education about stigma with an emphasis on mental health.
Our resources support ...
BC, Canada
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada is a national registered charity dedicated to nurturing resilience in kids with the use of psychological science so ...
AB, Canada
Area Served: Canada
Up to 17 years
Tourette Canada is a national voluntary organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for those with or affected byTourette Syndrome through programs ...
5955 Airport Road, Mississauga, ON, L4V 1R9 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses
233 Dunbar Avenue, Mont-royal Montreal, QC, H3P 2H4 Map
Area Served: Montreal
All ages
533 Rue Ontario E, Montréal, QC, H2L 1N8 Map
Area Served: Montreal
Accepting patients: Yes
All ages
2170 boul. René Lévesque ouest, Montreal, QC, H3H 2T8 Map
Area Served: Montreal
Accepting patients: Yes
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
All ages
QC, Canada
Area Served: Montreal
Accepting patients: Yes
All ages
4150 St Catherine West, Montreal, QC, H3Z 2Y5 Map
Area Served: Montreal
All ages
Montreal, QC Map
Area Served: Montreal
Accepting patients: No, we are not currently accepting any new clients or patients.
All ages
1554 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 7M4 Map
Areas Served: Ottawa-Carleton, Outaouais, Montreal
Accepting patients: Yes
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
All ages
Dr Sara Quirke, Child Psychologist
1214 Greene Ave, Westmount, QC, H3Z 2B1 Map
Area Served: Montreal
Accepting patients: Yes
5 - 18 years
Clinique CAMO d’anxiété de Montréal du Dr Royer psychiatre
5855 Gouin ouest, Montréal, QC, H4J 1E5 Map
Area Served: Montreal
Accepting patients: No, we are not currently accepting any new clients or patients.
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
18 - 60 years
AB, Canada
All ages
6600 Transcanadienne, Pointe Claire, QC, H9R 4S2 Map
Area Served: Montreal
All ages
1265 Trudel, Shawinigan, QC, G9N 4N6 Map
Area Served: Quebec
Accepting patients: Yes
All ages
BC, Canada
Area Served: Canada
Accepting patients: Yes
All ages