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Event Name

2009 Mental Health Symposium
For: General public, Professionals

Date and Time

Mon Oct 5, 2009 (This event is over)


Ottawa, ON

Event Description

The Mental Health Symposium 2009 is just around the corner.  (Please note registration fee of $100). Don't miss your opportunity to learn more about our mental health system with people who share your experiences. 
This year's event focuses on "Weaving the System Together". Learn how the system impacts the lives its clients and join your colleagues in learning about the nature of this experience, the intricacies of how the system works and what we can do to try making a difference. 
Some of the program features are:

Keynote by Dr. David Goldbloom examines the origins of stigma and discrimination against people with mental illnesses, its manifestations, and solutions that make a difference.
Breakout sessions covering various aspects of:

Child and Youth Mental Health
Mental Health and Justice
Mental Health and the Elderly
Adult Mental Health
Mental Health in the Workplace
Community Programs

Real world models that show how Mental Health professionals are working together with clients, the community, and each other to give the best possible care
Keynote by Natacha Joubert about how mental health promotion can bring "health" back into the mental health system.

The Symposium is open to anyone interested in learning and sharing ideas about mental health, in particular primary-care workers, family physicians, mental health clinicians, consumers and caregivers, policy planners, educators, students and human resource administrators. 
DATE:  Monday, October 5, 2009
TIME: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
LOCATION: Coliseum Theatre (3090 Carling Ave., Ottawa)
COST: $100 (includes lunch)
REGISTRATION: (select Mental Health Symposium 2009 from the Events Calendar on the right side of the page).
The 2009 Mental Health Symposium is presented by the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Ottawa, the Canadian Mental Health Association (Ottawa), the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group, and the University of Ottawa Institute for Mental Health Research.

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Last modified Sep 23, 2009 4:28pm
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