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Event Name

Youth Mental Health and the Justice System

Date and Time

Fri Sep 4, 2009 (This event is over)


Winnipeg, MB

Event Description

Hosted by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, "Youth Mental Health and the Justice System" will offer participants an opportunity to learn about issues related to how the justice, health, education and other systems respond to youth with mental health issues. Promising practices will be examined in breakout sessions. A key outcome of the delegate input in small group discussions will be recommendations on systemic change that would contribute to: - reducing stigmatization faced by youth with mental health problems;­ preventing youth with mental health issues from getting involved in the justice system; ­ responding to these youth more effectively once they are involved in the justice system; and ­ helping youth to transition (e.g., to adulthood, between systems, from institutional to non-institutional settings, to living effectively with mental illness). Police services, youth, health, mental health and substance abuse practitioners, teachers, governments at all levels, courts, national non-governmental organizations involved in social development and community representatives will be represented at the Showcase. The ample time allowed for discussion and information-sharing will help to forge new links among these sectors.

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Last modified Sep 4, 2009 11:24am
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