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Event Name

Sexual Offenders: Evaluation, Treatment and Risk Management
For: Professionals

Date and Time

Mon Nov 23 to Wed Nov 25, 2009 (This event is over)


Ottawa, ON

Event Description

TIME:      Registration:  8:00 a.m.   8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.LOCATION: Associates-in-Psychiatry Auditorium    REGISTRATION FEE:3-days - Limited to clinicians, SW, MD, PhD or equivalent      Early Bird: $  825. (on or before October 23rd)      Regular:     $1,050. (on or after October 24th)      Student:    $  300.1-day - Open to all individuals      Early Bird:  $ 275. (on or before October 23rd)       Regular:      $ 350. (on or after October 24th)      Student:     $ 100.LUNCH AND BREAKS INCLUDED EACH DAYLEARNING OBJECTIVES:Day One (open to all individuals)-To gain a firm basis in the phenomenology and evaluation of sex offender-To learn about the methods & limitations of risk assessment-To learn about the management of sexual offenders including:i.Pharmacological treatment options for sex offendersii.Psychological treatment options for sex offendersDays Two and Three -- limited to clinicians, SW, MD, Ph.D. or equivalent)-To gain experience in the evaluation and treatment of sexual offenders-To gain experience in sexual preference testing of sexual offenders-To gain experience in risk assessment of sexual offenders

More Info

613-722-6521 x6570


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Last modified Jul 17, 2009 4:31pm
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