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Event Name

Finding Happiness in the Age of Anxiety

Date and Time

Thu Apr 17, 2008 (This event is over)


Ottawa, ON

Event Description

The Ottawa Writers Festival presents Patricia Pearson, winner of two National Magazine Awards, a National Author’s Award and the Arthur Ellis Award. Pearson, who suffers herself from generalized anxiety disorder, questions what it is about today’s culture that is making people anxious, and offers some surprising answers—as well as some inspiring solutions based on her own fierce battle to drive the beast away. Drawing on personal episodes of incapacitating dread, she delves into the history and geography of anxiety. Why are North Americans so much more likely to suffer than Latin Americans? Why did Darwin treat hypochondria with sprays from a hose? Why have we forgotten the insights of some of our greatest philosophers, theologians and psychologists in favor of prescribing addictive drugs? In her new book, A Brief History of Anxiety (Yours and Mine), a blend of fascinating reportage and poignant memoir, she shares her struggle to withdraw from antidepressants and to find more self-aware and philosophically grounded ways to strengthen the soul. Join us for a witty, insightful and highly personal look at recognizing and coping with fears and anxieties in our contemporary world. Tickets are available in advance by calling 613-562-1243 or at the door: $12 General / $10 Students & Seniors / Free for Festival Members

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Self-help, Mutual Aid and Support Groups
Last modified Mar 31, 2008 11:32am
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