York (Regional Municipality), ON
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Event Name

Empty Casing: A Soldier's Memory of Sarajevo

Date and Time

Thu Feb 21, 2008 (This event is over)


Ottawa, ON

Event Description

A talk and onstage interview with Fred Doucette, a veteran of Sarajevo and Post Traumatic Stress support worker. Hosted by the Ottawa Writers Festival. Fred Doucette joined the Canadian Armed Forces in the late 1960s, served in Cyprus in the 1970s and '80s, and was deployed to Bosnia in the 1990s. He returned to Canada from his last mission in 1999, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder in 2000 and was released from the military in 2002. He now works with the Department of National Defence's Operational Stress Injury Social Support program to provide peer support to Armed Forces personnel and veterans suffering from PTSD. His memoir, Empty Casing, is a first-hand account of a brutal war and the terrible ordeal of the Canadians tasked with maintaining an impossible peace. Deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina as a peacekeeper in 1995, Fred Doucette had a premonition that this tour of duty would be different from anything he had experienced so far. And it was. When the war ended, he returned to Canada. And another war began. Nightmares and flashbacks of violence and chaos plagued his days and nights. Traumatized by the horrors of Bosnia, Fred had to face himself, his family and his army once again. But now there was no turning away, no diversion in another foreign posting. Empty Casing is the story of the making and unmaking of a soldier, and the growth of a man. There will be an onstage interview with the Ottawa Citizen's Kate Heartfield, and a chance for audience questions. Tickets are $12 general, $10 for students and seniors. For more information or to order tickets, call 613-562-1243

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Last modified Feb 29, 2008 4:46pm
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