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Target Audience: This workshop will be of primary interest to pediatric occupational therapists. Other health care professionals who assess and treat children with sensory processing difficulties may also want to attend this workshop.
Early Registration Fee
(before March 21, 2008): $440.00
Late Registration Fee
(after March 21, 2008): $490.00
Event Name
Sensory Processing
Date and Time
Thu May 29 to Fri May 30, 2008
(This event is over)
Event Description
The Sensory Profile measures have provided a means for researchers to build evidence about sensory processing patterns and how those patterns may be affecting the ability to participate successfully in everyday life. In this course, we will explore strategies for designing effective intervention plans using sensory processing evidence available. We will practise using case studies so that professionals can learn how to translate sensory processing evidence and data from individualized assessment into practical plans for children, families, and educators.Target Audience: This workshop will be of primary interest to pediatric occupational therapists. Other health care professionals who assess and treat children with sensory processing difficulties may also want to attend this workshop.
Early Registration Fee
(before March 21, 2008): $440.00
Late Registration Fee
(after March 21, 2008): $490.00
More Info

613-737-0871 x2934
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Last modified Jan 25, 2008 12:50am