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Event Name

Effective solutions for Insomnia Disorder and Major Depression: Integrating Cognitive Behavioural Insomnia Therapy (CBT-I) with CBT for Depression
For: Professionals
Provided by: Medipsy Psychological Services

Date and Time

Thu Feb 14, 2019 (This event is over)
9:00 - 4:00pm


149 Somerset St. West, Ottawa, ON, K2P 0H7

Event Description

Many clients being treated for depression issues suffer from a co-occurring chronic insomnia. If the insomnia is untreated, there is a greater likelihood of poorer outcomes and greater relapse, and the assumption the insomnia will remit after depression treatment is not empirically supported. There are many components of CBT-I that are complementary to other CBT protocols. For example, increased time spent out of bed during CBT-I is compatible with the integration of behavioural activation, as well as cognitive behavioural strategies for fatigue. Providing clients with psychoeducation about the overlap between pro-alertness, pro-sleep, and pro-mood of optimally-timed, manageable activity increases can be helpful across several comorbidities and increase treatment buy-in and motivation. Likewise, the focus on modifying safety behaviours and threat monitoring, as well as challenging perfectionistic and other unhelpful beliefs, is compatible with the focus of providing anxiety strategies. This workshop will provide considerations for decision-making about sequencing and integration of treatments, as well as suggestions for combining treatments. The format for the workshop will be didactic instruction, experiential exercises, demonstrations, and clinical handouts from a leader in the field of cognitive behavioural treatment of comorbid insomnia.

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This event is listed under these topics

Mood Disorders
Sleep Problems and Disorders
Mental Health in General
Last modified Aug 22, 2018 1:43pm
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