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Event Name

Supervising Staff with a Trauma-Informed View
For: General public
Provided by: SafeGuards Training

Date and Time

Mon May 14, 2018 (This event is over)
9:30 - 4:00pm


Windsor, ON

Event Description

The realization that the majority if not all of the clients' we serve have experienced trauma has led to a significant shift in our system. Organizations are being tasked with ensuring that their policies and procedures are trauma informed. Supervisors are now having to make sure that staff are utilizing trauma informed practice methods in their work and to model these principles in their supervisory practice. Just as trauma informed principles have changed the way we interact with consumers; these same principles need to change the way we supervise and manage staff.

Trauma-informed practice is essential to the work of organizations serving populations with a high incidence of trauma. Supervisors require access to training that assists them in knowing how to apply these principles to their work as supervisors and managers.

-How to apply Trauma Informed Principles to Supervision
-Compare trauma-informed supervision to other models of supervision
-Strategies for creating a trauma-informed supervisory relationship
-Apply trauma-informed principles to individual and group supervision and peer support
-Co-create a RICH environment (Respect, Information, Connection, Hope), Saakvitne, 2000
-Support staff to use self-reflective and self-care practices
-Recognize and respond to challenges of supporting staff with trauma histories, secondary trauma and current life adversity

For more information or to register, please visit

Registration Info
Group Discount: 20% off groups of 4 or more from one agency.

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This event is listed under these topics

Employees, Employers and the Workplace
Mental Health in General
Last modified Mar 22, 2018 6:23pm
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