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Event Name

7th Annual E-Mental Health Conference: Coming Into Focus: The Role of Technology in Mental Health
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For: Professionals
Provided by: MHCC and UBC

Date and Time

Fri Feb 2 to Sat Feb 3, 2018 (This event is over)


Vancouver, BC

Event Description

E-Health moves quickly, and new ideas are everywhere. What is e-Mental Health’s place in the healthcare system? In our lives? Young people know that the internet is everywhere. Health professionals know that we need new ways to reach patients and provide continuity of care. Developers know that these technologies are sophisticated enough to address major challenges in mental health. And researchers know that these solutions are already out there, working. With progress coming from so many angles, it’s time to bring things into focus.

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This event is listed under these topics

Technology Issues, including Internet, Cellphone, Social Media Addiction
Last modified Nov 3, 2017 9:08am
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