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Event Name

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens: Interventions and Strategies to help Adolescents and Parents with Gina M. Biegel (Ottawa)
For: Professionals
Provided by: Medipsy

Date and Time

Thu Nov 2, 2017 (This event is over)
9:00 - 4:00pm


Ottawa, ON

Event Description

Teenage stress is a growing problem. The Canadian Mental Health Association estimates that up to 20% of Canadian youth are affected by mental illness and that 3.2 million teens are at risk for developing depression. Canada’s youth suicide rate is the third highest in the industrial world. Gina Biegel created the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens Program (MBSR-T) in order to provide a youth-focused approach. According to Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., “Gina Biegel has put together an intensive training for professionals interested in helping stressed adolescents find relief and clarity based on her direct experience supporting teens during this challenging time of life.” Mindfulness-based interventions for youth have been found to be evidence-based in clinical and non-clinical practice. Mindfulness can help your clients reduce stress and manage anxiety by teaching them how to rely less on old behaviours such as ruminative thinking and self-sabotaging narratives and actions. But how do you get youth to be mindful when they are developmentally wired to be judgmental, distractible and susceptible to peer pressure? You will learn proven interventions, strategies, treatment tools, and techniques that are culturally relevant and appropriate to the developmental needs of adolescents.

Gina M. Biegel, LMFT, is a San Francisco Bay Area based psychotherapist, researcher and author specializing in mindfulness-based work with adolescents. She is the founder of Stressed Teens, which has offered the MBSR-T to adolescents, families, schools, professionals and the community for over 13 years. MBSR-T has been recognized by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the creator of the adult Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Program. Gina provides intensive 10-week online training to people all over the world and works with adolescents and families individually and in groups (http://www.stressedteens.com). An expert in mindfulness-based approaches to youth, Gina is the author of Be Mindful & Stress Less: 50 Ways to Deal with Your (Crazy) Life, The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens (1st and 2nd second edition). Her work has been featured on CNN and Reuters and in the New York Times.

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Mental Health Professionals
Last modified Oct 17, 2017 12:43pm
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