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Event Name

National Initiative for Eating Disorder's 59th Free Symposium
Information Session
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: National Initiative for Eating Disoders

Date and Time

Mon Sep 11, 2017 (This event is over)
7:00 - 9:30pm


210 Wilson Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5M 3B1

Event Description

Missed Connections: The Role of Faulty Wiring in Anorexia. Join us at our 59th free symposium as we learn from guest speaker Amy Miles, MA, PhD candidate, about the results of a study exploring how structural differences in the brain could confer vulnerability to anorexia and its symptoms. All are welcome, event is free, donations gratefully accepted. For more info, contact Wendy Preskow at [email protected]


Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in which they are received.

This event is listed under these topics

Eating Disorders including Anorexia and Bulimia
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQ)
Parents, Families & Caregivers
Child and Youth Service Organizations
Females (Girls, Women)
Males (Boys, Teenagers, Men)
Primary Care (e.g. Family physicians, paediatricians, nurse practitioners)
Post-Secondary Students (including Colleges and Universities)
Last modified Jul 19, 2017 10:52pm
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