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Co-hosted by the Departments of Family Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa, the pre-conference day will provide attendees with the opportunity for broader and more in-depth exploration of both clinical and research issues within collaborative care. This year, the presentations and workshops will focus on:
Integrative/Collaborative Care for Addiction;
Improvement of Detection and Management of Depression in Primary Care;
Quality Improvement in Collaborative Mental Health and Addiction Care.
Event Name
18th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference: Connecting People in Need with Care - Pre-Conference Day
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: Departments of Family Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa
Date and Time
Thu Jun 1, 2017
(This event is over)
8:00 - 4:15pm
Event Description
The 18th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Pre-Conference Day is meant to be practical and of interest to regional and national interprofessional primary and mental health providers and researchers.Co-hosted by the Departments of Family Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa, the pre-conference day will provide attendees with the opportunity for broader and more in-depth exploration of both clinical and research issues within collaborative care. This year, the presentations and workshops will focus on:
Integrative/Collaborative Care for Addiction;
Improvement of Detection and Management of Depression in Primary Care;
Quality Improvement in Collaborative Mental Health and Addiction Care.
More Info

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