Simcoe County, ON
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Event Name

Treating Patients with Trauma: New, High-Speed T.E.A.M. Therapy Techniques
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: Jack Hirose & Associates

Date and Time

Mon Jun 6 to Tue Jun 7, 2016 (This event is over)
8:30 - 4:30pm


10010 178th St NW, Edmonton, AB, T5S 1T3

Event Description

"Trauma has become one of the most critical medical/psychological problems in the US and around the world. The symptoms can be crippling and their devastation reaches beyond the traumatized individual to families and communities as well. The lifetime prevalence of full-blown, classic PTSD has been estimated at 8% in the US, but nearly all of us will experience the impact one or more traumatic experiences sooner or later during our lives.

Clients with a history of trauma present with a wide range of emotional and interpersonal difficulties. Symptoms often include depression and low self- esteem, troubled relationships, sexual dysfunction, personality disorders, and addictions, along with the intense anxiety, intrusive memories, avoidance, and other behavioral problems. Clinicians must be able to treat the person, and not just the disorder, using a comprehensive, individualized strategy that includes the full range of clinical skills and interventions.

In this workshop, Dr. Burns will describe a powerful, new approach called T.E.A.M. Therapy that can be especially beneficial for trauma clients. T.E.A.M. is not a new school of therapy, but a flexible, systematic, and compassionate approach that is based on research on how psychotherapy actually works. T.E.A.M includes many cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) techniques, but goes far beyond traditional CBT. The result is a powerful, deeply personal experience with rapid, lasting clinical change.

The focus of the workshop will be practical, with methods you can use right away in your clinical work. Although the focus of the workshop will be on the treatment of trauma, you will find that the techniques in this workshop will dramatically improve your effectiveness with all of your clients.

Our clients are not the only ones who experience the horrific impact of trauma. Surveys indicate that 30% of therapists have reported some form of childhood trauma, and if you include the painful events we also experience as adults, that number jumps much higher. Dr. Burns will include segments on personal healing that will deepen your understanding of T.E.A.M therapy and help you experience greater self-esteem, confidence, and joy in your clinical work and in your personal life as well."

More Info

Download: Burns.jpg


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This event is listed under these topics

Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Behaviour and Conduct Problems
Social Skills and Life Skills
Parents, Families & Caregivers
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Trauma and Abuse
Sensory Processing Disorders and Self-Regulation Problems
Females (Girls, Women)
Males (Boys, Teenagers, Men)
Show All +
Last modified Jan 15, 2016 2:56pm
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