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Event Name

Helping Your Clients Get Unstuck From Negative Beliefs - Dr. Anna Baranowsky
For: Professionals
Provided by: MAGentix

Date and Time

Thu Mar 10, 2016 (This event is over)
9:00 - 4:30pm


180 Cooper St., Ottawa, ON, K2P 2L5

Event Description

Thematic Map & Release is a powerful advanced practice intervention for helping trauma survivors resolve core beliefs. It is a key component of the Trauma Practice, a tri-phasic trauma treatment model created by Dr. Baranowsky. In this on-day experiential workshop, practitioners will learn to implement TM&R while navigating three areas: safety and stabilization; working through trauma; and reconnecting to meaningful activities.

Upon completion of this course students will be:
-Competent in the practice of Thematic Map & Release
-Establish Harnessing Calm as a baseline
-Access the Theme through a Trigger List
-Practice application of each stage of the TM&R script
-Implementation of a Three-Phase Model utilizing TM&R as the core exercise (helping clients to harness calm; work through trauma and reconnect to meaningful activities in life)
-Add an essential tool to your trauma care kit

To learn more, please visit: http://magentix.ca

More Info

1-877-895-2867 (Toll Free)


Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in which they are received.

This event is listed under these topics

Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Trauma and Abuse
Mental Health in General
Domestic Violence
Primary Care (e.g. Family physicians, paediatricians, nurse practitioners)
Last modified Dec 7, 2015 8:20pm
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