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Event Name

Vancouver Anti-Bullying Conference
For: Professionals
Provided by: Jack Hirose & Associates

Date and Time

Wed Nov 20 to Thu Nov 21, 2013 (This event is over)
9:00 am - 4:00 pm


2300 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver, BC

Event Description

With the rapid growth of technology and innovative new methods of communication, children and youth are now more accessible to one other; increasing the space for conflict and abuse. It has become an increasing challenge for parents and professionals to effectively address and respond to the problem of bullying.

In a study conducted by The University of Toronto (2008), 21% of students had experienced online bullying in the past three months and 10% had experienced sexual harassment in the form of words or photos. Such instances of bullying can have long-term developmental effects and lead to tragic consequences.

In this two-day workshop, parents and professionals will have the opportunity to learn the necessary skills to prepare and respond effectively to bullying. Topics include: understanding cyberbullying, safe social networking and sexting, responding and preventing cyberbullying, school-wide interventions and promoting healthy relationships to prevent bullying.

More Info

1-800-456-5424 (Toll Free)


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Last modified Aug 29, 2013 9:23pm
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