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We have recruited some great panel guest and our keynote speaker Dr. Phil Ritchie. Here is a summary of the event:
Please join us for an evening of information for parents and caregivers to learn more about children’s mental health. Dr. Phil Ritchie, psychologist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, will deliver a presentation focusing on warning signs and practical tips to support children’s mental health for parents. In addition, we will then have a panel discussion and open Q&A with experts in the field of children’s mental health.
Panel Guests
Dr. Phil Ritchie, psychologist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario—Keynote Speaker
Michael Hone, Associate Executive Director, Crossroads Children Centre
Phyllis Grant-Parker, Executive Director of Parents’ Lifelines of Eastern Ontario
Jacinthe Sigouin-Coté, School Health Program, Ottawa Public Health
Stéphanie César-Young, Child and Youth Counselor, Eastern Ontario Resource Centre
Thursday, January 24th, 2013 at 6PM
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
675 Gardenvale Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1K 1C9
FREE caregiving services available, upon request
Complimentary pizza and refreshments to be served at 5:30PM
Please register at [email protected]
Event Name
Children's Mental Health Information Night for Parents
Information Session
For: General public
Provided by: Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
Date and Time
Thu Jan 24, 2013
(This event is over)
Event Description
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Council will be hosting a Children's Mental Health Information Night on January 24th. This evening has been organized using the funds from our Parent's Reaching Out grant from the Ministry of Education.We have recruited some great panel guest and our keynote speaker Dr. Phil Ritchie. Here is a summary of the event:
Please join us for an evening of information for parents and caregivers to learn more about children’s mental health. Dr. Phil Ritchie, psychologist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, will deliver a presentation focusing on warning signs and practical tips to support children’s mental health for parents. In addition, we will then have a panel discussion and open Q&A with experts in the field of children’s mental health.
Panel Guests
Dr. Phil Ritchie, psychologist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario—Keynote Speaker
Michael Hone, Associate Executive Director, Crossroads Children Centre
Phyllis Grant-Parker, Executive Director of Parents’ Lifelines of Eastern Ontario
Jacinthe Sigouin-Coté, School Health Program, Ottawa Public Health
Stéphanie César-Young, Child and Youth Counselor, Eastern Ontario Resource Centre
Thursday, January 24th, 2013 at 6PM
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
675 Gardenvale Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1K 1C9
FREE caregiving services available, upon request
Complimentary pizza and refreshments to be served at 5:30PM
Please register at [email protected]
More Info

Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any
endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in
which they are received.
Last modified Jan 11, 2013 12:07am