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Event Name

"Bully" Documentary Screening in Cambridge
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: Lutherwood & Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council

Date and Time

Tue Nov 6, 2012 (This event is over)


7 Melville St. S., Cambridge, ON

Event Description

A viewing of the compelling documentary "Bully" at the Theatre, University of Waterloo School of Architecture.

The documentary Bully follows five American kids and their families over the course of one school year showcasing the ways that bullying affects their lives. ”Bully gives a face to the bullying epidemic, highlighting the story of real kids, teens, parents, and schools affected by this epidemic.“

This film is very powerful and intense, but does not provide strategies or resources and suggests that if you are bullied badly enough, suicide is the only option. To address these concerns, Lutherwood and the Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council, along with community partners, will provide the audience with resources, and a panel of experts and Q & A period will follow the film.

Free admission. Seating is limited, reserve your seat early at www.lutherwood.ca or call 519.884.7755.

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Last modified Sep 21, 2012 11:39am
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