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Event Name

Sandbox Project's Inaugural Annual Conference
For: General public
Provided by: Kids Health Foundation

Date and Time

Wed Jan 19, 2011 (This event is over)


1950 Meadowvale Boulevard, Mississauga, ON

Event Description

The Sandbox Project’s Inaugural Annual Conference will bring together current and future academic, industry, not-for-profit and government leaders who, over the course of the day, will work together to address matters of health for children and youth. Expert speakers will provide unique perspectives to attendees and stimulate valuable and engaging discussion in our breakout sessions.
The forum speakers will provide a global view of health, discussing successes and best practices regarding current issues. Breakout sessions will provide the opportunity for attendees to meet with health leaders to discuss common problems and opportunities under the themes of Obesity, Injury Prevention, the Environment and Mental Health.
The conference is aimed at decision-makers, opinion leaders, parents and youth. Leaders from government, healthcare organizations, not-for-profit organizations, academia and the private sector will be in attendance.
The Sandbox Project will launch dynamic project teams with students, representatives from government, industry and academia to investigate the opportunities brought forth during the conference. Having researched these healthcare issues over a 12-month period, project teams will return to the 2011 Conference to present their findings and enter a solutions-based discussion in order to implement best practices in Canada and abroad.

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Mental Health in General
Last modified Dec 29, 2010 9:12pm
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