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Community Mental Health and Addictions
Community Mental Health and Addictions services are provided by the PEI Dept. of Health.
Outpatient Detox is available to clients with less severe addictions and experiencing minimal withdrawal. The program is implemented by trained Addiction Nurses. Outpatient Detox allows people suffering from alcohol and other drug dependencies to participate in treatment and remain in their own home. The Adult Rehabilitation Program is a 3 week program that provides insight, motivation, education,and counselling to clients affected by alcohol, other drugs, and problem/pathological gambling. Families are also assisted with education and counselling services regarding the impact addictions has had on their lives. The rehab program also assists clients to develop a continuing Recovery Program and a relapse Prevention Program. Specialized Inpatient Detoxification services are offered at the Mount Herbert Provincial Addictions Centre. Clients may be admitted to inpatient services at the provincial facility at any time of the day or night. The length of stay is based on the client's needs. Withdrawal management is provided by an addictionologist and addictions nurses. A three-week Gambling Addiction Treatment Program is offered out of the Provincial Addictions Facility in Mount Herbert. It is also mobile and can be taken to the eastern and western health regions as the need arises. Based on client assessment needs, the program can be taken as an inpatient at the Provincial Addictions Facility or as an outpatient in the regional community addiction sites. A four-week Women's Addiction Treatment Program is offered out of the Provincial Addictions Facility in Mount Herbert. It is also mobile and can be taken to the eastern and western health regions as the need arises. Based on client assessment needs, the program can be taken as an inpatient at the Mount Herbert centre or as an outpatient in the regional community addiction sites. Adolescent assessment, counselling, education and treatment programs are available in all Health Regions and are implemented by Youth Counsellors who are on site.
16 Garfield Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE, C1A 7N8 Map
902-368-6197 x18882998399
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: English
Fees: None
Area Served: Prince Edward Island
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Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Last modified Aug 3, 2008 1:39pm
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