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Psychological Association of P.E.I. (PAPEI)
The Psychological Association of P.E.I. (PAPEI) exists:

To promote an awareness of, and interest in, the discipline and practice of psychology in Prince Edward Island.
To encourage interaction among those persons involved in all aspects of psychological services.
To arrange for informed discussions of issues, practices, and approaches within the science of psychology.
To develop an authoritative voice to speak to interest groups, and government, regarding social policy and relevant human management concerns.
To represent the interests of Prince Edward Island Psychologists at a regional or national level.
To assist in the establishment of professional standards, qualifications and ethical boundaries for psychologists on Prince Edward Island.
To lay the groundwork of the establishment of a clearinghouse for public information and services in psychology which are available to the citizens of Prince Edward Island.
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: English
Fees: None
Area Served: Prince Edward Island

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Psychologists and Psychological Associates
Last modified Aug 3, 2008 1:23pm
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