York (Regional Municipality), ON
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Teslin Tlingit Council
We are situated two hours south of Whitehorse. Although we do not have an alcohol and drug counsellor on site, one comes out from Whitehorse. We do assessments and referrals for clients who would like treatment with in Whitehorse of down south. We do case-coordination, home visits, crisis coordination, prenatal and home care services. We can arrange transportation for clients needing to go to Whitehorse for treatment. In the spring and summer we have the use of a retreat half an hour outside Teslin Lake.
PO Box 133
Teslin, YT, Y0A 1B0 Map
867-390-2532 x329
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: English
Fees: None
Area Served: Yukon
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This resource is listed under these topics

Addictions (including Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling)
Last modified Aug 2, 2008 8:33am
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