Yukon, YT
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Please note: Our database may be missing resources as we do not have a local partner in this community. (Yukon)
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Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP)

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DDP is a therapy and parenting approach that uses what we know about attachment and trauma to help children and families with their relationships. When a child has experienced stresses such as trauma, this can lead the child to become disconnected from the important people in the child's life, and experience problems such as depression, anxiety and behaviour problems. DDP offers a powerful way to reconnect children to the people that are important, thus improving their relationships as well as problems with depression, anxiety and behaviours. 

Unfortunately, our database does not have any resources under this category for Yukon. If you know of any resources that should be in our database, let us know.
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Catchment: Yukon
The Yukon Distress & Support Line has an excellent resource guide to Yukon mental health services and supports.
Posted: Feb 6, 2015
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