Please note:
Our database may be missing resources as we do not have a local partner in this community. (Peel Regional Municipality, ON)
If you know of any resources that should be in our database, feel free to help out your community by letting us know.
If you are an organization that would like to partner with us to help keep this database up-to-date, please contact us for more information.
If you are an organization that would like to partner with us to help keep this database up-to-date, please contact us for more information.
Other Community Services and Resources
Publicly Funded / Free Services
Active Minds is a nonprofit organization dedicated to utilizing the student voice to change the conversation about mental health on college campuses. ...
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON, M3J 1P3 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
The Benefits Finder is an online tool to help people identify government benefits for them. This tool could be useful to your clients in their search for ...
ON, Canada
Area Served: Canada
All ages
Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses
Transformation Counselling
22 King St, Waterloo, ON, N2J 1N8 Map
Area Served: Peel Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Yes
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
16 years and up
3701 Lakeshore Blvd W, Mississauga, ON, M8W 1P8
Areas Served: Toronto, Peel Regional Municipality
21 - 45 years
2355 Royal Windsor Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5J 1K7 Map
Area Served: Peel Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Yes
All ages
A Bridge Towards Healing
Brampton, ON, L6R 3S5
Area Served: Peel Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Yes
All ages
62 Commuter Drive, Brampton,, ON, L7A 0R3 Map
Area Served: Peel Regional Municipality
17 years and up
ON, Canada
Area Served: Ontario
All ages