Northwest Territories, AB
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Please note: Our database may be missing resources as we do not have a local partner in this community. (Northwest Territories)
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Coaching is the process whereby a coach teaches and directs another person via encouragement and advice. The coach provides an individual with feedback, insight and guidance on achieving their full potential in their business or personal life. Coaches usually first help by defining goals, and then supports the client in working out a strategy to reach those goals, and helps the client stay on track.


Compared to counselling, coaching generally has a narrower focus; focuses on performance rather than underlying root causes; tends to be shorter-term; does not seek to improve underlying psychological problems; focuses on improvement on function in already well-functioning individuals.


Coaching is generally more suitable for individuals who are well-functioning to begin with, whereas counselling/therapy would be recommended for individuals who are more distressed.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

811 Helpline responders are registered nurses who can also assist you with concerns related to mental wellness and addictions recovery. Our nurses are trained ... more
Yellowknife, NT, X1A 2P9 Map
Area Served: Northwest Territories
All ages
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Non-profit institute that provides mental health treatment via telephone and internet for families, as opposed to face-to-face visits in a clinic. The ... more
267 Cobequid Road, Lower Sackville, NS, B4C 4E6 Map
Area Served: Canada
3 - 16 years
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Private Practice Professionals and Commercial Businesses

Dionna Begg, MA, Psychologist (Ontario, Alberta, Northwest Territories & Yukon)
10216 124 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 4A3
Accepting patients: Yes
Modality of care: Virtual
16 years and up
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