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The application of Serious Games in psychological therapy
Conditions Addressed: 1. Participants can take part if they are a mental health clinician (or if they are currently in training to become one) working with clients of any age group, in any psychotherapeutic modality in Canada; Participants can take part if they are between the age of 18 and 85 and have experienced any form of psychological therapy (i.e. any form of "talking therapy" such as cognitive behavioural therapy/CBT, psychoanalysis or other forms of psychological counselling) in Canada
Status: Active and recruiting
Dates: Sat Feb 15, 2020 to Fri May 1, 2020
Serious Games are computer or video games that go beyond the purpose of pure entertainment, and include an educational component (e.g. promote a healthy lifestyle, train cognitive skills, etc.). Serious Games are becoming more popular in many settings, including psychological therapy. We are doing an international survey to find out what patients/clients/mental health service users and clinicians think.

Clinician survey link:
Client survey link:
Sponsor: McGill University, Sigmund Freud University

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Mental Health in General
Last modified Feb 15, 2020 9:08pm
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