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Event Name

Eye Movement Integration Therapy
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For: Professionals
Provided by: Danie Beaulieu, Ph. D

Date and Time

Sat Jun 25 to Sun Jun 26, 2011 (This event is over)
8:30 to 5:00


Montreal, QC

Event Description

Eye Movement Integration
A New Technique to Overcome Recurrent and Negative Memories

Level I Workshop

Eye Movement Integration (EMI) is a powerful and yet very simple neurotherapeutic tool to effectively help clients who suffer from recurrent and negative memories from any traumatizing experience, including those with PTSD. The approach was created by Connirae and Steve Andreas in 1989, and has been substantially modified and developed since that time by Dr. Danie Beaulieu.

As the name implies, EMI uses the natural interrelationship of eye movements and thought processes to aid in the integration of distressing memories with beneficial, counter-balancing memories and information. Natural resolution of memories is sometimes blocked after traumatic experience, and these memories may remain isolated and fragmentary. Like a shot of concentrated bleach, a trauma lead to caustic damage to the mental health of the victim, including the types of symptoms seen in posttraumatic stress disorder and other stress reactions.

EMI assists the client to return to the natural process of integration by stimulating access to multisensory memory traces left by the trauma itself and by diverse, positive, ameliorating experiences. Like adding clear water to bleach, EMI dilutes the traumatic experience with good recollections, rendering it harmless – even purifying.

This avant-garde neurotherapeutic technique produces very rapid results, definitively and completely freeing the client from the problematic effects of overwhelming experience. The technique is applicable not only to major traumas – such as rape, sexual abuse, conjugal violence, armed robbery, other victimization or witnessing of crimes, war, natural disaster, etc. – but also to any situation that results in a chronic and uncontrollable emotional reaction.

Just as overwhelming experience can have far-reaching toxic effects in the lives of victims, so does EMI have widespread beneficial effects for the clients fortunate enough to receive this highly effective brief therapy.

EMI is a true gift to offer yourself, to then give it in turn to all those people who have become victims of their own minds!

The objectives for this workshop are:

to master the basic principles of the EMI approach
to discover the stages of EMI treatment
to identify the type of client problems that can be addressed with EMI
to learn how to overcome client resistance
to explore the appropriate precautions to take with clients
to investigate the possible mechanisms involved in the treatment.

 Schedule : from 8h30 to 5h30

About the instructor:
Psychologist Danie Beaulieu, Ph.D., is the founder and president of Académie Impact, a training institute, publishing house and producer of therapeutic aids based in Quebec City. She is the co-developer of Impact Therapy and Eye Movement Integration Therapy, on which she has authored 17 books in French and three in English, Eye Movement Integration Therapy, Impact Techniques in the Classroom and Eye Movement Integration Therapy. She has shared her innovative and effective methods with professional and general audiences throughout North America, Africa and Europe.

260-01 Level 1

Schedule: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day (16 hours training in total)
Day 1
Morning (8:30 to 12:00)
The Origin of EMI
The role of eye movements in everyday life
Description of the numerous applications of EMI
How memories are recorded
Evaluation and assessment in EMI
How to target the right memory

Afternoon (1:00 to 5:30)
Eye movement patterns used in EMI
The treatment itself
Closing the treatment
Closing an “incomplete” treatment session
Subsequent treatment sessions and follow-up

Day 2
Morning (8:30 to 12:00)
Dealing with client resistance
Live Demonstration

Afternoon (1:00 to 5:30)
Additional considerations and information (medication, timing the application of EMI, frequency, number of treatments, considerations with medication, drugs and alcohol, etc.)
EMI with children
EMI with psychosomatic problems
Prevention of PTSD for the client and for the therapist


Bachelor of Science degree in mental health, with a minimum of 2 years of experience in psychotherapy; or a masters degree or more. Only certified therapists are accepted.
Experience the technique on a personal and professional level.
Complete the entire training.

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Last modified Mar 28, 2011 4:17pm
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